Sleap, Wem …Proprietor Eve Dodds – 07743 644795

NOTICE: As of the 1st October 2022 due to the cost of living and higher energy prices we are having to put up our donation for adoption from £75 to £90 sorry for the increase but sure you will understand. Eve & The Team

winnie update dec 2011


Update on Winnie Dec 2011

Wow this girl looks good, Winnie has been back to Jenny’s for another holiday, she always settles right back in.  She is enjoying life in her new home and loves the log burner this time of year, her owners sent us a typical picture of Winnie being spoilt and rightly so after what she had been through


Aww bless her, what a sweetie!!


HELP Sleapy Cat Rescue! –

Make a Donation TODAY!!!


… Due to ongoing issue with PayPal could you please call Eve on 07743 644795 to make a donation.

Fund Raising Dates

Saturday 7th September Wem Carnival 2024