Sleap, Wem …Proprietor Eve Dodds – 07743 644795

NOTICE: As of the 1st October 2022 due to the cost of living and higher energy prices we are having to put up our donation for adoption from £75 to £90 sorry for the increase but sure you will understand. Eve & The Team

Update on “Little Tom”


Tom went back to the vets y/day and good news he will not lose his tail 🙂 however there is still a chance he may lose his leg, I now have to move him from his cage rest to an outside pen so he can exercise more and build up the muscle, he has to go back in another 6wks for further assessment, will keep you posted 🙂


HELP Sleapy Cat Rescue! –

Make a Donation TODAY!!!


… Due to ongoing issue with PayPal could you please call Eve on 07743 644795 to make a donation.

Fund Raising Dates

Saturday 7th September Wem Carnival 2024