Sleap, Wem …Proprietor Eve Dodds – 07743 644795

NOTICE: As of the 1st October 2022 due to the cost of living and higher energy prices we are having to put up our donation for adoption from £75 to £90 sorry for the increase but sure you will understand. Eve & The Team

New Update on “Dave” :-)

Just got back from the vets with Dave he’s had his IV catheter out and his 2nd bloods have come back, white cells are raised which could mean underlying infection but everything else normal, so to be on the safe side he’s had a long lasting antibiotic and wormed as there was a suggestion in the results although I don’t know why, he seems a lot calmer, still a little wobbly and meowing but 100% improvement, he has to go back next Thursday for more bloods to look at his white blood cells, looks like he’s over the worst and that’s the main thing. When I got him home I sat with him in his pen for a while and he got on my lap and had a good fuss and tummy tickle and was purring away, now that’s the Dave we all know and love. Will keep you all posted 🙂


HELP Sleapy Cat Rescue! –

Make a Donation TODAY!!!


… Due to ongoing issue with PayPal could you please call Eve on 07743 644795 to make a donation.

Fund Raising Dates

Saturday 7th September Wem Carnival 2024