Sleap, Wem …Proprietor Eve Dodds – 07743 644795

NOTICE: As of the 1st October 2022 due to the cost of living and higher energy prices we are having to put up our donation for adoption from £75 to £90 sorry for the increase but sure you will understand. Eve & The Team

Update on “Little Tom”

Little Tom

As you can see Tom has well settled into his new home, he has been there a couple of months now and is very happy. He has gone to a great home and owners, so pleased they adopted “Little Tom” and that we saved him from being put to sleep. Gorgeous boy 🙂


HELP Sleapy Cat Rescue! –

Make a Donation TODAY!!!


… Due to ongoing issue with PayPal could you please call Eve on 07743 644795 to make a donation.

Fund Raising Dates

Saturday 7th September Wem Carnival 2024