Update on Fifi 4/3/14
Fifi has spent the night in the vets, she has had a long lasting antibiotic jab which hopefully help her skin, she has had another bath and cream applied to her skin, she now has to wear an inflatable buster collar to stop her trying to groom her skin which she can’t do due to her tongue and the drool that settles on her skin is full of bacteria, hence the infected skin, she only has the collar off to eat and then it’s straight back on, this is really her last chance to get better, she will go for another health check in two weeks time and we will see what the vet thinks, although they are worried about her thick scarred tongue, lets think positive until then, on a brighter note she has gained weight once again, she now weighs 2.20kg so slow but sure, I pray to god she makes it :/